Gradient Descent Algorithm Matlab Implementation

This is a implementation of gradient descent written in Matlab

October 9, 2017 - 1 minute read -
implementation matlab

Here’s a very basic Matlab implementation of the gradient descent algorithm for a regression problem.

for i = 1:iters
    J(i) = 0;
    %update yhat
    yhat = X * beta;
    %update gradient
    errors = (yhat - y);
    grad = (alpha * (1/n) * errors' * X);
    %update beta
    beta= beta - grad';
    %calculate cost function
    sse(i) = sum((yhat-y).^2);
    J(i) = 1/(2 * n) * sse(i);   
    cost(i) = J(i);

The following plot shows the cost for every iteration in the algorithm. It should be decreasing function as in each iteration we try to move towards the global minimum direction.
